Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Our school’s code of conduct seeks to provide moral compass for us to grow into champions of today and leaders of tomorrow. As Commonwealthians, we are expected to exercise self-discipline and demonstrate high standards of behaviour, in and outside school. These rules apply within as well as outside school premises, especially when we can be identified as Commonwealthians. Should we fall short of our code of conduct, we will make good of our misconduct, relearn and practise more of the desired behaviour.
In striving for honour, we take personal responsibility for our learning and actions, have moral courage to stand up for what is right, and uphold our dignity (self-respect) and the reputation of the school. In so doing, we reflect an ethical mind.
We extend warmth by empathising with and listening to others’ needs, showing utmost care and concern for members of our Commonwealth family and the wider community. In so doing, we reflect a respectful mind.
We are loyal to our friends, school and nation by influencing our friends to do the right thing as well as supporting and contributing to the school and community.
- Friends: We share our honest opinion and help our friends to improve to become a person of honour.
- School Uniform: We are to wear the prescribed school uniform. No modification to the uniform is allowed. We take pride in wearing the full uniform on Mondays to present ourselves as dignified ambassadors of our school. From Tuesdays to Thursdays, we can come in smart casual, i.e. the blue collared corporate T-shirt with blue skirt for girls and blue shorts / pants for boys. On Be You Fridays which takes place weekly, we put on any school based t-shirt featuring the school crest and name with our school pants or skirt to celebrate our individuality and showcase our diverse interests. We wear plain socks that cover our ankles and low cut shoes with at least 50% of the shoe surface coloured white with no luminous or flashy colours. Boys must be clean shaven and neat in appearance. Keeping of moustache or beard is not allowed.
- Country: Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
Details on the Code of Conduct can be found in the Student Handbook.
Consequences for Failure to Meet the School’s Code of Conduct
We take ownership of our inappropriate conduct and face consequences with the right attitude. We right the wrong we have done and reconcile the relationships we have hurt.
Consequences include:
- Warning.
- Recording of offence into official personal documents.
- Restitution such as restore relationships, compensation, corrective work order, detention or being sent home to correct improper attire/grooming.
- Counselling by teachers / professional counselling agencies.
- Parent conference/involvement.
- Loss of privilege such as confiscation of banned / prohibited items, barred from bringing certain items to school.
- Internal/external suspension.
- Caning.
- Expulsion.
- Police referrals.
Adverse conduct grade
- 4 minor offences are equivalent to 1 major offence committed and will result in a ‘Fair’ conduct grade
2 major offences committed will result in a ‘Poor’ conduct grade
- 3 counts of late coming + 1 inappropriate dress code = ‘Fair’ conduct grade
- 1 count of absence from school without valid reason + 4 counts of late coming = ‘Poor’ conduct grade)